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Pietro Garau:加强合作,用规划打造城市的未来

2016-11-02 09:13 来源:中国城市规划网


2016年10月31日,住建部会同福建省人民政府与联合国人居署,在厦门共同主办“2016世界城市日” 论坛。意大利规划学会国际事务协调人Pietro Garau受邀出席了下午举行的以“多元视角下的包容性城市治理”为主题的专家论坛,并接受了中国城市规划网记者的采访。意大利规划学会和中国城市规划学会在联合国人居三筹备过程中共同担任第六政策小组组长单位。

意大利规划学会国际事务协调人Pietro Garau受邀出席专家论坛,论坛由中国城市规划学会秘书长石楠主持


How to implement NUA through such tools like WCD etc.?

Pietro Garau:


Well, it is not a simple question, but it’s an important question. First of all, the importance of tools like WCD seems to me that, they have been increasing the attention importance from the beginning. So, I think probably one of the best tools to keep up the world’s attention on cities and governments and civil societies to the commitments member states of the UN, for example, have taken, with regards to for improving the quality of lives in cities, large and small, and commitments like of course the SDGs and NUA.


Probably one thing that one could think of would be to think of themes for next few years’ WCD, which could specifically link to some key aspects of the NUA. Because, basically, the NUA is a comprehensive document, it has its own balance, but it might be useful to isolate some aspects of the NUA, perhaps to look at them each year. Not only to have presentation on how nice these objectives and commitments are, but really to check our progress in achieving these objectives.

意大利规划学会国际事务协调人Pietro Garau接受中国城市规划网记者采访


How planner as professional could play a key role in implementation of NUA?

Pietro Garau:


I think we just heard from the vice president of ISOCARP Mr. Martin Dubbeling that urban and territorial planning is probably the key to achieving not just the SDG 11, but most if not all the SDGs. And I think he is right, of course may be I am a planner, I might be a bit biased. I am representing the National Institute of Planning in Italy, which was rather old, which was founded in 1930. But I do think that planning is really the key.


In 2015, I have the opportunity to present my views on this topic in a keynote address in Milan when the WCD was celebrated there. And I titled my address as Cities Saving the Planet by Design. This was a pan, a game of words, meaning saving the planet intentionally, also saving the planet through urban planning and design. I think the connection is so obvious that it’s surprising that we haven’t thought of that before.


We know that between now and the year 2050, there is less than 25 years, the world’s population will increase by 2.5 billion people, 96% of this population increase will be in the cities of developing countries. It is a huge challenge that we will have to face, and it’s obvious that if these new populations are housed and located, the urbanization pattern will be developed inevitably to welcome these new citizens of the world. It will be a disaster if it is not planned in an intelligent way.


We just heard from HK, where I heard a very interesting statistics from them, that if I remember, correctly, we are talking about more than 700 million people over 1000 km2. So the density is very high. It is even higher in HK because the population is concentrated in only 25% of the territory of HK, which means that paradoxically there is plenty of green space even in this rather small area for considering the number of people. So it is obvious that planning can produce very intelligent solutions to welcome even high high numbers of people.

我们面临的现实挑战是,很糟糕通常很多城市的开发建设太分散,大量土地被粗放地浪费。这样牺牲了人们的生活品质,造成了远距离通勤,建成区太分散,城市就负担不起高质量、高效的公共交通。当然,这样还破坏了环境,人们分散出行,导致了私人小汽车的过度使用。幸运的是,现任联合国人居署执行主任Joan Clos博士十分重视规划。他在各种场合表明支持规划的作用。这是我们一直期望的,我们作为专业人士感到非常振奋。

The challenge we have is that often unfortunately in most cities, development occurs in a disperse pattern with a huge consumption of land. It is devastating for the quality of life of people, because they have to travel over very long distance, because its past development doesn’t justify economically the good and efficient public transport. Of course it is devastating for the environment, because of the access abuse of private automobiles, and individual motorized solutions to transportation and mobility. So we are very lucky that the present executive director of UN-Habitat believes in planning. And he has argued very strongly in favor of planning. I think this is very very welcome, we have been waiting this for a very long time.

意大利规划学会国际事务协调人Pietro Garau(左)和中国城市规划学会秘书长石楠(右)


I would just like to add something to respond to your question. I think, for example, national planning associations must come together, much more explicitly and much more efficiently. For example, we discovered in working with UPSC secretary general Dr. Shi Nan. His institute and my institute have practically the same goals. And the same kind of activities. But we had never known this before, we had never worked together before. So we take this opportunity of this kind invitation that my institute receive to come to this event to sign a partnership agreement with UPSC, which I am sure will be very fruitful. The thing that I will be doing in the next future will be to extend this partnership to other associations that are willing to do concrete specific things. Without of course duplicating the work of ISOCARP and the like, because they have their own agendas.


