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2018-09-25 10:29 来源:中国城市规划网



2018 First International Conference on Urban and Rural Development and Planning in the Water Network Area

New Era · Rural Revitalization · Water Village


Notice No. 1


In water network areas, there are many rivers, lakes and dense water systems. Most region of them are under rapid social and economic development, with profound historical and cultural accumulation, and superior ecological environment resources, which gives them special value of economy, culture and ecology. However, these areas tend to have dense populations, and the rapid development of urbanization shows many contradictions, new problems, and typical ones. Drawing on the

international experience of the development of water network areas, in-depth research and extensive exchanges of urban and rural development and planning in water network areas will not only promote the urban-rural transformation and development in the new era of China's water network areas, but also has a positive lead and demonstration role for the country. Therefore, The Urban Planning Society of China and Suzhou University of Science and Technology decided to jointly host the “International Conference on Urban and Rural Development and Planning in the Water Network area” every two years. It aims to provide an academic exchange platform for domestic and foreign planning and related professionals, on which all participants will continuously discuss and communicate key issues in urban-rural development and planning.

当前我国社会中最大的发展不平衡,是城乡发展不平衡,最大的发展不充分,是农村发展不充分。因此在新时代背景下,构建长期稳定的新型城乡和谐关系的关键是实现乡村振兴。水网地区城乡规划应紧扣时代要求,不断改进创新,促进乡村振兴和特色发展,实现城乡社会经济环境的高度和谐和融合。为此,2018 年首届水网地区城乡发展与规划国际会议的主题确定为“新时代的乡村振兴与水乡特色”。邀请国内外从事城乡发展与规划理论研究与实践工作的专家学者、规划师和管理者,就新时代新型城乡关系、水网地区乡村振兴、特色田园乡村建设、水乡生态与文化保护等议题的最新研究、实践成果开展交流,共同探讨乡村振兴与城乡融合的发展与规划之道,促进新时代水网地区城乡和谐发展。

At present, the biggest imbalance in development in our society is the imbalance between urban and rural development, the biggest development inadequate is in the rural areas. Therefore, in the context of the new era, the realization of the rural revitalization strategy and the construction of a long-term stable new urban-rural harmonious relationship are key propositions. Urban and rural planning should also closely follow the requirements of the times, actively respond, and continuously improve and innovate in order to promote the rural revitalization and characteristic development in the new era, achieve a high degree of harmonious integration of the urban and rural social and economic environment. Therefore, the theme of 2018 First International Conference on Urban and Rural Development and Planning in the Water Network area is decided as “New Era · Rural Revitalization · Water

Village”。 This conference will invite colleagues from home and abroad in urban-rural planning field to discuss the development and planning of rural revitalization and urban-rural integration, and to promote urban-rural development in the new era.

一、 会议主题



















1. Conference theme

New Era · Rural Revitalization · Water Village

Main topics:

·New urban-rural relationship in the new era

· Urban-rural transformation and the future

·Urban-rural coordination and urban-rural integration

·New urbanization and urban-rural integration

·Rural revitalization in water network area

·Industrial development and rural revitalization

·Rural social governance and cultural renaissance

·Rural residential space environment construction

·Characteristic rural village construction

·Construction path of the characteristic rural village

·Practical case of rural villages

·Planning and practice of rural complex

·Ecological and Cultural Protection in water villages

·Protection of ancient villages in water network areas

·Rural ecological protection in water network areas

·Characteristics of water villages in the south of the Yangtze River

二、 会议举办单位

主办单位: 中国城市规划学会


承办单位: 苏州科技大学建筑与城市规划学院

协办单位: 江苏省城市规划设计研究院



支持单位: 苏州城乡一体化改革发展研究院




本次会议由苏州科技大学城乡规划学科(江苏高校优势学科建设项目、江苏高校 A 类品牌专业建设项目)专项支持。

2. Organizers of the international conference

Host: The Urban Planning Society of China

Suzhou University of Science and Technology

Organizer: School of Architecture and Urban Planning,Suzhou

University of Science and Technology

Co-organizers: Jiangsu Institute of Urban Planning and Design

Jiangsu Institute of Urban & Rural Planning and Design

Suzhou Planning and Design Institute Co., Ltd.

Supporting institutions: Suzhou Urban and Rural Integration Reform and

Development Research Institute

Suzhou Institute for the Conservation of National

Historical Cities

Suzhou Keda Urban Planning and Design Institute Co.,


Design and Research Institute Co., Ltd, Suzhou

University of Science and Technology

This international conference is supported by the urban and rural planning discipline of Suzhou University of Science and Technology (Jiangsu University's Advantageous Subject Project and Class A Brand Professional Project of universities in Jiangsu)。

三、 会议时间地点

时间:2018 年 12 月 14-16 日 (12 月 14 日报到)


3. Time and place

Time: December 14-16, 2018 (arrived on December 14)

Address: Suzhou Conference Center,

100 Daoqian Street, Suzhou, Jiangsu Province

四、 部分拟邀请参会嘉宾












·Anne Moudon, 国际城市形态学会前主席,创始人,华盛顿大学教授

·Vincent Nadin,荷兰代尔夫特理工大学城市规划系主任,教授

·Janet Askew,英国皇家规划学会前主席,欧洲空间规划理事会英国代表


4. Guests to invite(partially)

The conference intends to invite well-known scholars from the United States, the

United Kingdom, the Netherlands, Japan, Chinese Mainland and Hong Kong to participate as special guests. Guests to invite include (the follow-up notice will be continuously updated):

Domestic participants:

Wang Jianguo, member of China Engineering Academy, vice chairman of the Urban Planning Society of China, professor of Southeast University.

He Xinghua, vice chairman of the Urban Planning Society of China, former director of Planning Finance and Foreign Affairs Department of the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development.

Peng Zhenwei, chairman of the Professional Evaluation Committee for Higher Education Urban and Rural Planning of the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, professor of Tongji University.

Wang Kai, vice president of China Academy of Urban Planning and Design, professor-level senior urban planner.

Shen Jianfa, director of Hong Kong Institute of Asia-Pacific Studies, professor of Chinese University of Hong Kong.

Foreign guests:

Anne Moudon, founder and former chairman of the International Society of Urban Morphology, professor of University of Washington, USA.

Vincent Nadin, professor and head of the Department of Urban Planning, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands.

Janet Askew, former president of Royal Town Planning Institute, the representative of Royal Town Planning Institute on the European Council of Spatial Planning.

Takashi Onishi, former president of the Japan Urban Planning Society, professor and head of the Department of Urban Engineering, University of

Tokyo, Japan.

五、 青年规划师与学生论坛报告征集


围绕上述议题提交报告详细摘要(800 字左右,中文或英文), 发送到本次国际会议专用邮箱,并在邮件主题栏中注明:青年规划师



详细摘要征集截止日期:2018 年 11 月 15 日

会议学术委员会将组织专家对详细摘要进行评审,遴选、确定论坛报告人。会议主办单位将为获邀并参会的报告人颁发证书,并给予免注册费等待遇(详见后续通知)。获邀报告人应于参会前提交完整的报告 PPT。

5. Report Collection for The Youth Planner and University Student Forum

In order to promote the training of professional talents in urban and rural planning, and encourage youth planners and university students to carry out academic research, in addition to the academic venues in accordance with the above-mentioned main topics, the international conference will set up a youth planner forum and a university student forum for the youth which will provide academic exchange space for younger planners and college students. To this end, the forum report is openly collected, and the collection method is as follows:

Submit a detailed abstract of the report (approximately 800 words, Chinese or English) around the above topics, and send it to the special mailbox of this international conference. Please indicate in the subject line of the email: Young Planner (or college student) - report title, and in the first line of the text: the personal

information of the author such as: name, workplace, and identity, institution, position.

Conference dedicated email:

Detailed abstract collection deadline: November 15, 2018

The conference academic committee will organize experts to review the detailed abstracts, select and determine the forum reporters. The reporter will be granted a certificate issued by organizer of the conference and a registration- fee free (see the follow-up notice for details)。 The reporter should submit a full report PPT before the meeting.

六、 会议报名注册

欢迎国内外城乡规划建设及相关领域的专业人士积极参会。会议注册费 800 元人民币(高校学生凭证减半),住宿费用自理,会议主办方协助联系住宿。


报名截止日期:2018 年 12 月 10 日(截止日期前报名人数超过预定规模时,报名自行截止)

6. Registration

Domestic and foreign urban and rural planners and related professionals are welcome to participate actively. The registration fee for the conference is 800 yuan (the fee for university students with students' cards is halved) and the cost of accommodation is self-care. The organizer of the conference assists in contacting the accommodation.

Method for registration: Scan the QR code below, log in to the WeChat public account, fill in the information registration, or fill in the registration receipt (see attachment) and send it to the conference email address. See the follow-up notice for details of the payment method.

Deadline for registration: December 10, 2018 (When the number of applicants exceeds the scheduled size before the deadline, the registration will be closed)

七、 会议联系方式





7. Contact information

School of Architecture and Urban Planning, Suzhou University of Science and Technology

Contact: Ms Zhou (15190091608), Mr Sun (15262419512)

Conference dedicated email:

Conference WeChat public number: 苏科大规划

2018 首届水网地区城乡发展与规划国际会议组委会

The Organizing Committee of 2018 First International conference

on Urban and Rural Development and Planning in the Water Network Area


School of Architecture and Urban Planning,

Suzhou University of Science and Technology








